My blog, its going to be full of stuff that interests me! Maybe it'll interest you to, maybe not.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Just Yesterday I was walking on the moon with your Staker

Wow its taken a long time to get to today, and my god I am under pressure. Project crazy time is here! Whoop! Listening to Architecture in Helsinki, I think in complements the craziness going on in my head right now. Oh so many conflicting thoughs. Its mad in there so I don't listen anymore and just try and get on with this bloody project.

Nothing major has happened in a few days, which is nice, was talking to home yesterday and the conversation went like this "Any news" she said, "Nope" I said, "Bye" She said. Fun Fun Fun. However 3 weeks from now I am proud to announce that I'll be completely fucked up on beer and have finished the most project of my life. Oh god I can't wait. For something that is the most important thing in all my time in college I am surprisingly relaxed about it. No bothers like. I've been like this about everything for ages now, its weird its like someone stole my panic button.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

9:35 a.m.


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